Not everything humans can eat is good for dogs. In fact, some food is very toxic to dogs. In this article you can read what you should pay attention to and which food you should definitely not leave lying around in the house.
View the poster for an overview of what is toxic to dogs or download the poster as a PDF. In this article I will explain all the toxic food from the poster and I will mention a number of other foods that you should pay attention to.
Theobromine in chocolate is very toxic to dogs and cats and has an effect on the nervous system and the heart. The purer the chocolate, the more theobromine it contains. White chocolate contains very little, but a 180-gram bar of dark chocolate can poison a Jack Russel. Couverture chocolate is even more poisonous and 180 gram will kill a Golden Retriever. So do not leave chocolates in places where the dog could reach, because dogs usually like chocolate. Also be careful with the holidays when there are often chocolate treats, easter eggs and Christmas chocolates in the house. Contact your vet immediately if your dog has eaten chocolate.
Alcohol is not good for our liver, but the damage that our dogs take is much greater. Alcohol can cause diarrhea, vomiting, breathing problems and coma. So don't give your dog a sip.
The caffeine in coffee (and also found in cola, tea and energy drinks) is very bad for a dog and can kill in a high amounts. With caffeine poisoning, breathing and heart rate accelerate, internal bleeding occurs, the dog trembles and gets uncontrolled muscle movements. No treatment is possible against an overdose. Also be careful with tea bags lying around.
The skin, kernel and plant of the avocado are not only poisonous to dogs, but also to other mammals and birds. The poisonous persin from this fruit can lead to pancreatitis, respiratory problems and fluid buildup in the dog's vital organs.
Grapes and raisins
Which substance makes grapes and raisins toxic is not yet known, but eating them can lead to kidney failure and eventually death. Grapes can poison from 20 grams per kilo of body weight. Raisins much faster, namely from three grams per kilo of body weight. Seedless grapes are also poisonous. Also be careful with raisin buns, cookies with raisins and other products containing currants or raisins.
Raw potatoes
Uncooked, potatoes are poisonous due to the solanine contained in them. The skin and sprouts are especially dangerous. Both a dog and humans can contract potato poisoning. Once cooked, your dog can safely eat a potato. The solanine then remains in the water.
Nuts are not good for dogs. Macadamia nuts in particular can cause problems and affect the nervous system and muscles. Walnuts can contain poisonous fungi. If a dog has a peanut allergy, a peanut or peanut butter can be deadly. Peanut butter is sometimes given to dogs, but it is very fatty and too much can cause diarrhea or vomiting. If you want to give some peanut butter do this moderately.
All vegetables from the nightshade family (tomato, pepper, eggplant) can cause allergic reactions and aggravate inflammation. The cucumber and zucchini do not belong to the nightshade family and can be eaten by a dog.
The sweetener xylitol is used in sugar-free products such as chewing gum, candy, toothpaste and diabetic products. Eating it can cause a dog to fall into a coma and eventually die. Peanut butter with less sugar also sometimes contains xylitol.
Onions and garlic
Onions and garlic have an effect on the dog's red blood cells which can cause anemia. They can also cause intestinal and stomach cramps. Garlic, by the way, is less harmful than onion. There are even garlic treats for dogs, but I prefer to avoid them. The onion family, think leeks and chives, has the same effect on dogs. Also cooked or powdered, it remains toxic.
Mushrooms and mushrooms can cause shock and eventually kill dogs.
Raw pork
Raw pork can contain Aujeszky's disease. This disease is always fatal to dogs and cats, but harmless to humans. The disease no longer occurs in many European countries. In a country like Spain, your dog can still catch it. I choose not to give pork at all.
Salt is sometimes wrongly given to make the dog vomit. For example, if he has eaten something dangerous. However, this can cause salt poisoning. This can cause a dog to vomit, drink a lot and experience diarrhea. Eventually it can cause seizures and the dog can die.
The seeds of apples, cherries, apricots, nectarines, plums, etc. contain hydrocyanic acid and are toxic in large quantities. If you want to give this fruit to your dog, remove the seeds.
Dairy products
Milk or milk products such as yogurt or cheese are not toxic to dogs, but too much can cause diarrhea. So sometimes a piece of cheese or some cheese spread in his Kong will not hurt.
Note that your dog cannot get medicine from open cupboards or an open handbag. Also, do not give pain killers or medicines that are intended for people. A single acetaminophen can be fatal for a small dog. A dog will vomit, become drowsy, get diarrhea and may have liver problems. Only if you act fast, there is a chance of recovery.
If your dog has eaten something that you do not trust, contact your vet as soon as possible. Do not give the dog salt as this can cause salt poisoning.
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